Museum of Computer & Video Game Color Palettes

Cubic 2x2x2 (Process)

A generic palette consisting of 2 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cube with each axis of the cube corresponding to a channel of the RGB color model.

Cubic 3x3x3

A generic palette consisting of 3 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cube with each axis of the cube corresponding to a channel of the RGB color model.

Cubic 4x4x4

A generic palette consisting of 4 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cube with each axis of the cube corresponding to a channel of the RGB color model.

Cubic 5x5x5

A generic palette consisting of 5 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cube with each axis of the cube corresponding to a channel of the RGB color model.

Cubic 6x6x6 (Web-Safe)

A generic palette consisting of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cube with each axis of the cube corresponding to a channel of the RGB color model. A palette of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue is also known as a web-safe palette, from the early days of the world wide web when these were the only colors guaranteed to be displayed consistently across different browsers and operating systems.

Cubic 7x7x7

A generic palette consisting of 7 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cube with each axis of the cube corresponding to a channel of the RGB color model.

Cubic 8x8x8

A generic palette consisting of 8 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cube with each axis of the cube corresponding to a channel of the RGB color model.

Cubic 9x9x9

A generic palette consisting of 9 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cube with each axis of the cube corresponding to a channel of the RGB color model.

Conic 2x2x2 (Process)

A generic palette consisting of 2 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cone with its perimeter, radius, and axis corresponding to the hue, saturation, and value channels, respectively, of the HSV color model.

Conic 3x3x3

A generic palette consisting of 3 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cone with its perimeter, radius, and axis corresponding to the hue, saturation, and value channels, respectively, of the HSV color model.

Conic 4x4x4

A generic palette consisting of 4 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cone with its perimeter, radius, and axis corresponding to the hue, saturation, and value channels, respectively, of the HSV color model.

Conic 5x5x5

A generic palette consisting of 5 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cone with its perimeter, radius, and axis corresponding to the hue, saturation, and value channels, respectively, of the HSV color model.

Conic 6x6x6 (Web-Safe)

A generic palette consisting of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cone with its perimeter, radius, and axis corresponding to the hue, saturation, and value channels, respectively, of the HSV color model. A palette of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue is also known as a web-safe palette, from the early days of the world wide web when these were the only colors guaranteed to be displayed consistently across different browsers and operating systems.

Conic 7x7x7

A generic palette consisting of 7 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cone with its perimeter, radius, and axis corresponding to the hue, saturation, and value channels, respectively, of the HSV color model.

Conic 8x8x8

A generic palette consisting of 8 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cone with its perimeter, radius, and axis corresponding to the hue, saturation, and value channels, respectively, of the HSV color model.

Conic 9x9x9

A generic palette consisting of 9 levels each of red, green, and blue, arranged as slices of a cone with its perimeter, radius, and axis corresponding to the hue, saturation, and value channels, respectively, of the HSV color model.


A “parallel universe version” of the Commodore 64 color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson.


A 16-color palette designed by Adigun A. Polack.


A 64-color palette designed by Adigun A. Polack.


The 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the Windows Command Prompt application.

ANSI 4-Bit (PuTTY)

The 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the PuTTY terminal emulator.

ANSI 4-Bit (

The 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the Mac OS X Terminal application.

ANSI 4-Bit (Ubuntu)

The 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the terminal emulator included in the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

ANSI 4-Bit (VGA)

The 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as mapped to the VGA standard.

ANSI 4-Bit (mIRC)

The 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the mIRC messaging application.

ANSI 4-Bit (xterm)

The 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the xterm terminal emulator.


The 8-bit extension on top of the 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the Windows Command Prompt application. The additional colors include a grayscale and a cube of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, also known as a web-safe palette.

ANSI 8-Bit (PuTTY)

The 8-bit extension on top of the 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the PuTTY terminal emulator. The additional colors include a grayscale and a cube of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, also known as a web-safe palette.

ANSI 8-Bit (

The 8-bit extension on top of the 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the Mac OS X Terminal application. The additional colors include a grayscale and a cube of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, also known as a web-safe palette.

ANSI 8-Bit (Ubuntu)

The 8-bit extension on top of the 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the terminal emulator included in the Ubuntu Linux distribution. The additional colors include a grayscale and a cube of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, also known as a web-safe palette.

ANSI 8-Bit (VGA)

The 8-bit extension on top of the 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as mapped to the VGA standard. The additional colors include a grayscale and a cube of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, also known as a web-safe palette.

ANSI 8-Bit (mIRC)

The 8-bit extension on top of the 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the mIRC messaging application. The additional colors include a grayscale and a cube of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, also known as a web-safe palette.

ANSI 8-Bit (xterm)

The 8-bit extension on top of the 16 colors specified in ECMA-48, ANSI X3.64, and ISO 6429, the standards defining the meanings of terminal escape sequences, as implemented by the xterm terminal emulator. The additional colors include a grayscale and a cube of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, also known as a web-safe palette.


A 4-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.

ARQ 16

A 16-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.

Acorn 2-Bit

The default 2-bit color palette of the RISC OS operating system.

Acorn 4-Bit

The default 4-bit color palette of the RISC OS operating system.

Acorn 8-Bit

The default 8-bit color palette of the RISC OS operating system.

Acorn Reorganized

The default 8-bit color palette of the RISC OS operating system, reorganized in the square and vertical orientations to maintain the groupings of colors that emerge in the horizontal orientation.


The permutation of the Macintosh 8-bit color palette used in the color picker for Color Tools, an add-on for Apple's HyperCard application which added support for color to the otherwise completely black and white multimedia authoring system.

Andrew Kensler 16

A 16-color palette designed by Andrew Kensler using a program to generate palettes as described in this blog entry. The program is designed to optimize for “the ratio of the CIE DE 2000 difference between the two closest colors to the root mean squared error between a sampling of the RGB color cube and the closest matching colors in the palette.”

Andrew Kensler 32

A 32-color palette designed by Andrew Kensler using a program to generate palettes as described in this blog entry. The program is designed to optimize for “the ratio of the CIE DE 2000 difference between the two closest colors to the root mean squared error between a sampling of the RGB color cube and the closest matching colors in the palette.”

Andrew Kensler 54

A 54-color palette designed by Andrew Kensler using a program to generate palettes as described in this blog entry. The program is designed to optimize for “the ratio of the CIE DE 2000 difference between the two closest colors to the root mean squared error between a sampling of the RGB color cube and the closest matching colors in the palette.”

Apple II (ApplePC)

The built-in color palette of the Apple II, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Apple Computer in 1977. All 16 colors were available in the low-resolution 40x48 pixel graphics mode, with only 6 colors (colors 0 [black], 3 [purple], 6 [blue], 9 [orange], 12 [green] and 15 [white]) available in the high-resolution 280x192 graphics mode (with certain caveats). This particular version of the Apple II color palette was used in an emulator called ApplePC, which ran under MS-DOS.

Apple II (Bettencourt)

The built-in color palette of the Apple II, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Apple Computer in 1977. All 16 colors were available in the low-resolution 40x48 pixel graphics mode, with only 6 colors (colors 0 [black], 3 [purple], 6 [blue], 9 [orange], 12 [green] and 15 [white]) available in the high-resolution 280x192 graphics mode (with certain caveats). This particular version of the Apple II color palette was calculated by Rebecca Bettencourt using a YIQ to RGB transformation matrix in this Google Spreadsheet.

Apple II (Munafo)

The built-in color palette of the Apple II, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Apple Computer in 1977. All 16 colors were available in the low-resolution 40x48 pixel graphics mode, with only 6 colors (colors 0 [black], 3 [purple], 6 [blue], 9 [orange], 12 [green] and 15 [white]) available in the high-resolution 280x192 graphics mode (with certain caveats). This particular version of the Apple II color palette was calculated by Robert Munafo in a post made to the comp.sys.apple2 newsgroup in October 2000.

Apple II (Ticmanis SMPTE 1979)

The built-in color palette of the Apple II, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Apple Computer in 1977. All 16 colors were available in the low-resolution 40x48 pixel graphics mode, with only 6 colors (colors 0 [black], 3 [purple], 6 [blue], 9 [orange], 12 [green] and 15 [white]) available in the high-resolution 280x192 graphics mode (with certain caveats). This particular version of the Apple II color palette was calculated by Linards Ticmanis in a post made to the comp.sys.apple2 newsgroup in September 2005.

Apple II (Ticmanis sRGB)

The built-in color palette of the Apple II, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Apple Computer in 1977. All 16 colors were available in the low-resolution 40x48 pixel graphics mode, with only 6 colors (colors 0 [black], 3 [purple], 6 [blue], 9 [orange], 12 [green] and 15 [white]) available in the high-resolution 280x192 graphics mode (with certain caveats). This particular version of the Apple II color palette was calculated by Linards Ticmanis in a post made to the comp.sys.apple2 newsgroup in September 2005.

Apple II (Wikipedia)

The built-in color palette of the Apple II, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Apple Computer in 1977. All 16 colors were available in the low-resolution 40x48 pixel graphics mode, with only 6 colors (colors 0 [black], 3 [purple], 6 [blue], 9 [orange], 12 [green] and 15 [white]) available in the high-resolution 280x192 graphics mode (with certain caveats). This particular version of the Apple II color palette is the one given in Wikipedia's list of 8-bit computer hardware color palettes.

Apple Icon Colors

The set of colors used by Apple when designing icons for System 7, the first version of the classic Macintosh operating system to make full use of color. This palette was included with ResEdit, the resource editor provided by Apple to developers, and was recommended for use by those developers when designing their own icons.


The permutation of the Macintosh 8-bit color palette used as the default color palette in AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks.

AppleWorks 16 Colors

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks.

AppleWorks 240 Grays & 16 Colors

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

AppleWorks Bright Colors

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

AppleWorks Cyan to Blue

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

AppleWorks Earth Tones

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

AppleWorks Mid-Tones

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

AppleWorks Pastel Colors

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

AppleWorks Presentation

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

AppleWorks Red to Yellow

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

AppleWorks Violet to Magenta

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

AppleWorks Vivid Colors

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

AppleWorks YellowGreen & GreenBlue

One of the preset color palettes included with AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic and formerly known as ClarisWorks. The first 16 colors are a permutation of the Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

Arne 16

A generic 16-color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson.

Arne 32

A generic 32-color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson.


The 8-bit color palette used by AutoCAD, the professional computer-aided design and drafting application by Autodesk.

Base16 3024

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Apathy

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Ashes

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Atelier Cave

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Atelier Dune

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Atelier Estuary

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Atelier Forest

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Atelier Heath

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Atelier Lakeside

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Atelier Plateau

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Atelier Savanna

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Atelier Seaside

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Atelier Sulphurpool

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Bespin

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Brewer

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Bright

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Chalk

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Codeschool

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Colors

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Cupcake

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Darktooth

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Default

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Eighties

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Embers

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Flat

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Gooey

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Google

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Grayscale

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Green Screen

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Harmonic16

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Hopscotch

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 IR Black

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Isotope

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 London Tube

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Macintosh

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Marrakesh

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Materia

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Mocha

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Monokai

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Ocean

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 OceanicNext

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Oliveira

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Paraiso

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 PhD

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Pico

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Pop

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Railscasts

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Seti UI

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Shapeshifter

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Solar Flare

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Solarized

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Spacemacs

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Summerfruit

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Tomorrow

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Twilight

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Unikitty

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Yesterday

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Yesterday Bright

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Base16 Yesterday Night

One of the color palettes made for Base16, “an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors” developed by Chris Kempson.

Black & White (Black First)

The most common two-color palette, consisting only of black and white.

Black & White (White First)

The most common two-color palette, consisting only of black and white.

Black Body MC 150

A 150-step gradient of the color of a black body at increasing temperatures as calculated by Mitchell Charity. The range of the palette is 0K to 29800K at 200K increments.

Black Body MC Continuous

A continuous gradient of the color of a black body at increasing temperatures as calculated by Mitchell Charity. The first band corresponds to temperatures from 0K to 800K, the second 800K to 2000K, the third 2000K to 6600K, and the final 6600K to 29800K.

Black Body PS 256

An 8-bit color palette consisting of a 256-step gradient of black to red to yellow to white included with Adobe Photoshop. Despite this palette's name, these are not the colors of an actual black body.

Black Body PS Continuous

A continuous gradient of black to red to yellow to white, based on the 8-bit color palette called Black Body included with Adobe Photoshop. Despite this palette's name, these are not the colors of an actual black body.


A 16-color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson based on a screenshot of Windows 3.1.

CGArne (CGA Order)

A 16-color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson based on a screenshot of Windows 3.1, put into an order corresponding to the CGA standard.

CGA (Genuine)

The built-in color palette of the genuine IBM Color Graphics Adapter. The low-intensity half of the palette uses RGB levels of 0 and 2/3, while the high-intensity half of the palette uses RGB levels of 1/3 and 1. The genuine CGA reduced the green channel of color 6 to 1/3, resulting in a more useful brown color, whereas some cheap imitations left it at 2/3, resulting in a less useful dark yellow color.

CGA (Imitation)

The built-in color palette of some cheap imitations of the IBM Color Graphics Adapter. The low-intensity half of the palette uses RGB levels of 0 and 2/3, while the high-intensity half of the palette uses RGB levels of 1/3 and 1. The genuine CGA reduced the green channel of color 6 to 1/3, resulting in a more useful brown color, whereas some cheap imitations left it at 2/3, resulting in a less useful dark yellow color.

CGA (Windows)

The default 16-color palette of the Microsoft Windows operating system.


A tweaked version of the Amstrad CPC color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson.


The list of 148 named colors supported by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), as specified in CSS Color Module Level 4. 16 of these colors (aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow) originate from the HTML 3.0 specification, while most of the rest originate from the X11 color list.

CTIA (NTSC 24.7 Desaturated)

The built-in color palette of the NTSC version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 24.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (NTSC 24.7 Saturated)

The built-in color palette of the NTSC version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 24.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (NTSC 25.7 Desaturated)

The built-in color palette of the NTSC version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 25.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (NTSC 25.7 Saturated)

The built-in color palette of the NTSC version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 25.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (NTSC 26.7 Desaturated)

The built-in color palette of the NTSC version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 26.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (NTSC 26.7 Saturated)

The built-in color palette of the NTSC version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 26.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (NTSC 27.7 Desaturated)

The built-in color palette of the NTSC version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 27.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (NTSC 27.7 Saturated)

The built-in color palette of the NTSC version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 27.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (PAL 24.7 Desaturated)

The built-in color palette of the PAL version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 24.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (PAL 24.7 Saturated)

The built-in color palette of the PAL version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 24.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (PAL 25.7 Desaturated)

The built-in color palette of the PAL version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 25.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (PAL 25.7 Saturated)

The built-in color palette of the PAL version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 25.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (PAL 26.7 Desaturated)

The built-in color palette of the PAL version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 26.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (PAL 26.7 Saturated)

The built-in color palette of the PAL version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 26.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (PAL 27.7 Desaturated)

The built-in color palette of the PAL version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 27.7 degrees celsius.

CTIA (PAL 27.7 Saturated)

The built-in color palette of the PAL version of the Atari Color Television Interface Adaptor (CTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The colors produced by the CTIA varied over time as the chip warmed up; this is the version at 27.7 degrees celsius.


The default color palette of the Chip16, a virtual machine created by Tim Kelsall in April 2013.


The color palette of the drawing mode of ClarisWorks, the predecessor to AppleWorks 6, Apple's office suite under Mac OS Classic.

Color It! Earth Tones

One of the preset color palettes included with Color It!, an image editing program developed by MicroFrontier (now Digimage Arts).

Color It! Flesh Tones

One of the preset color palettes included with Color It!, an image editing program developed by MicroFrontier (now Digimage Arts). The lack of dark flesh tones makes this palette noticeably outdated.

Color It! Pastel Hues

One of the preset color palettes included with Color It!, an image editing program developed by MicroFrontier (now Digimage Arts).

Color It! Vivid Hues

One of the preset color palettes included with Color It!, an image editing program developed by MicroFrontier (now Digimage Arts).

Commander X16 4-Bit

The default 4-bit palette of the Commander X16, a modern 8-bit microcomputer based on the Commodore VIC-20 and Commodore 64 and being developed by David Murray (aka The 8-Bit Guy) and a team of retrocomputing enthusiasts.

Commander X16 8-Bit

The default 8-bit palette of the Commander X16, a modern 8-bit microcomputer based on the Commodore VIC-20 and Commodore 64 and being developed by David Murray (aka The 8-Bit Guy) and a team of retrocomputing enthusiasts.

Commander X16 8-Bit (Web-Safe)

The 8-bit color palette of the Commander X16, but mapping colors 32 and above to a palette of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, also known as the web-safe palette. The web-safe palette originates from the early days of the world wide web when those were the only colors guaranteed to be displayed consistently across different browsers and operating systems.

Commodore 16

The built-in color palette of the Commodore 16, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Commodore International in 1984. In the high-resolution 320x200 pixel mode, each block of 8x8 pixels could use two colors from the full palette, while in the 160x200 pixel multicolor mode, each block of 4x8 pixels could use four colors from the full palette (two of which were shared across the entire screen).

Commodore 64 (GraphicConverter)

The built-in color palette of the Commodore 64, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Commodore International in 1982. In the high-resolution 320x200 pixel mode, each block of 8x8 pixels could use two colors from the full palette, while in the 160x200 pixel multicolor mode, each block of 4x8 pixels could use four colors from the full palette (one of which was shared across the entire screen). This particular version of the Commodore 64 color palette is included in GraphicConverter, an image editing program by Lemke Software GmbH.

Commodore 64 (Wikipedia)

The built-in color palette of the Commodore 64, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Commodore International in 1982. In the high-resolution 320x200 pixel mode, each block of 8x8 pixels could use two colors from the full palette, while in the 160x200 pixel multicolor mode, each block of 4x8 pixels could use four colors from the full palette (one of which was shared across the entire screen). This particular version of the Commodore 64 color palette is the one given in Wikipedia's list of 8-bit computer hardware color palettes.

Commodore VIC-20 (Wikipedia)

The built-in color palette of the Commodore VIC-20, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Commodore International in 1980. In the high-resolution mode, each block of 8x8 pixels could use two colors from the full palette (one of which was shared across the entire screen), while in the multicolor mode, each block of 4x8 pixels could use four colors from the full palette (three of which were shared across the entire screen). This particular version of the Commodore VIC-20 color palette is the one given in Wikipedia's list of 8-bit computer hardware color palettes.

Copper Tech

A 16-color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson with a focus on tech.

Cube Sides

The sides of a cube wherein each axis corresponds to a channel of the RGB color model.


A rather unique arrangement of the Macintosh 8-bit color palette used to pick colors in Designer's Studio or D'Studio, an editor for Kaleidoscope schemes. Kaleidoscope was an extension for the classic Macintosh operating system that enabled custom theming of the Macintosh user interface.

DawnBringer 8

An 8-color palette designed by Richard Fhager aka DawnBringer.

DawnBringer 16

A 16-color palette designed by Richard Fhager aka DawnBringer.

DawnBringer 32

A 32-color palette designed by Richard Fhager aka DawnBringer.


The built-in color palette of the IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter.

EN 4

A 4-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.


A 16-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.


An 8-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.


A 16-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.


A 32-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.


A 36-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.


A 64-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.


A 16-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.

Eroge Copper

A 16-color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson with a focus on Eroge games.

False Color Spectrum

An 8-bit color palette consisting of a 256-step gradient of magenta to blue to cyan to green to yellow to red.


A 64-color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson for his Nintendo Famicube project.


A 16-color palette designed by Felice Enellen for the PICO-8, a virtual machine created by Lexaloffle Games, a Japanese video game company founded by Joseph White.

GIMP Bears

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Bgold

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Blues

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Borders

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Browns & Yellows

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Caramel

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Cascade

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP China

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Coldfire

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Cool Colors

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Cranes

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Dark Pastels

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Default

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.


One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Firecode

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.


One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP GrayViolet

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Grayblue

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Grays

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Greens

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Hilite

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Khaki

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Lights

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Muted

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Named Colors

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP News3

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.


One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Paintjet

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Pastels

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Plasma

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Reds & Purples

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.


One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Royal

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Tango

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Topographic

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Volcano

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP Warm Colors

One of the preset color palettes included with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program.


The built-in color palette of the NTSC version of the Atari Graphic Television Interface Adaptor (GTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The GTIA included three extra modes originally planned for but not included in the CTIA due to delays in development.


The built-in color palette of the PAL version of the Atari Graphic Television Interface Adaptor (GTIA), used in the Atari 8-bit family of computers and the Atari 5200 video game console. The GTIA included three extra modes originally planned for but not included in the CTIA due to delays in development.


The color palette presented by Gmail for choosing a preset color for a label.

Gmail Extended

The color palette presented by Gmail for choosing a custom color for a label.

Google Calendar (Newer)

The color palette presented by newer versions of Google Calendar for choosing the color of events on a specific calendar.

Google Calendar (Older)

The color palette presented by older versions of Google Calendar for choosing the color of events on a specific calendar.

Google Docs

The palette presented throughout Google Docs for choosing colors.

Grayscale 2-Bit (Black First)

A generic 2-bit palette consisting of 4 levels of gray.

Grayscale 2-Bit (White First)

A generic 2-bit palette consisting of 4 levels of gray.

Grayscale 4-Bit (Black First)

A generic 4-bit palette consisting of 16 levels of gray.

Grayscale 4-Bit (White First)

A generic 4-bit palette consisting of 16 levels of gray.

Grayscale 6-Bit (Black First)

A generic 6-bit palette consisting of 64 levels of gray.

Grayscale 6-Bit (White First)

A generic 6-bit palette consisting of 64 levels of gray.

Grayscale 8-Bit (Black First)

A generic 8-bit palette consisting of 256 levels of gray.

Grayscale 8-Bit (White First)

A generic 8-bit palette consisting of 256 levels of gray.


A color picker for anywhere from 2 to 17 levels of gray.


A 32-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.


The list of 16 named colors supported by HTML (HyperText Markup Language), as specified in the HTML 4.01 Specification.

Hi Mom

The set of highlighting colors that Rebecca Bettencourt would put on the toolbar in Microsoft Word for her mother to use while proofreading.


The color picker used in Iconographer, an icon editor for Mac OS Classic and Mac OS X.

ImageWriter II

The set of eight colors supported by the ImageWriter II dot matrix printer through the use of a color ribbon.

JMP (Japanese Machine Palette)

A “parallel universe version” of the MSX color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson.

Java Default Indexed

The default color palette generated by the Java runtime library when creating a new image with an 8-bit indexed color model.

Java Swing

The arrangement of color swatches used by the color picker component included in the Java Swing user interface library.


The set of colors chosen by the Oxygen Project for use throughout the KDE desktop environment.

Kid Pix 16 Colors

The set of colors available in 16-color mode in Kid Pix, an image editor aimed at children created by Craig Hickman.

Kid Pix 36 Colors

The set of colors available in 256-color mode in Kid Pix, an image editor aimed at children created by Craig Hickman.

Kid Pix Display 16

A color palette included in the Kid Pix executable resembling the default Macintosh 4-bit color palette.

Kid Pix ImageWriter II

A color palette included in the Kid Pix executable somewhat resembling the ImageWriter II color palette.

Kid Pix Studio

The set of colors available in Kid Pix Studio, a suite of image editing and animation applications aimed at children.

MS Paint

The default set of colors available in the version of Microsoft Paint included in Windows XP and earlier.

MS Paint Extended

The set of colors included as presets in the color picker dialog used to select custom colors in Microsoft Paint.

MS Paint Vista

The default set of colors available in the version of Microsoft Paint included in Windows Vista.

MS Paint Windows 7

The default set of colors available in the version of Microsoft Paint included in Windows 7.


The built-in color palette of the Texas Instruments TMS9918 video display controller used in the first iteration of the MSX home computer architecture.


The built-in color palette of the Yamaha V9938 video display controller used in the second iteration of the MSX home computer architecture.

Mac OS 2-Bit

The default 2-bit color palette of the classic Macintosh operating system.

Mac OS 4-Bit

The default 4-bit color palette of the classic Macintosh operating system.

Mac OS 4-Bit (CGA Order)

The default 4-bit color palette of the classic Macintosh operating system, put into an order corresponding to the CGA standard.

Mac OS 8-Bit

The default 8-bit color palette of the classic Macintosh operating system.

Mac OS Classic Crayons

The list of colors included in the crayon color picker from Mac OS 8.0 to 9.2.2.

Mac OS X Basic

The list of colors included in the basic color palette from Mac OS X.

Mac OS X Crayons

The list of colors included in the crayon color picker from Mac OS X.

Magical Monster Kinds

The colors corresponding to the major categories of trainable monsters from a certain international media franchise.

Mario Paint

The basic color palette available in Mario Paint, a video game released in 1992 by Nintendo for use with the Super NES.

Material Design

The color palette created by Google in 2014 as part of the Material Design user interface guidelines for web applications.

Material Design (Raw)

The color palette created by Google in 2014 as part of the Material Design user interface guidelines for web applications.

Mika City (MCCE)

The palette of color presets in Mika City Character Editor, a program developed by Rebecca Bettencourt for managing information about the characters in her fictional universe.

Monochrome P1

A generic two-color palette consisting only of black and the color of the standard P1 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P1 2-Bit

A generic 2-bit palette consisting of 4 levels of the color of the standard P1 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P1 4-Bit

A generic 4-bit palette consisting of 16 levels of the color of the standard P1 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P1 6-Bit

A generic 6-bit palette consisting of 64 levels of the color of the standard P1 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P1 8-Bit

A generic 8-bit palette consisting of 256 levels of the color of the standard P1 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P2

A generic two-color palette consisting only of black and the color of the standard P2 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P2 2-Bit

A generic 2-bit palette consisting of 4 levels of the color of the standard P2 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P2 4-Bit

A generic 4-bit palette consisting of 16 levels of the color of the standard P2 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P2 6-Bit

A generic 6-bit palette consisting of 64 levels of the color of the standard P2 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P2 8-Bit

A generic 8-bit palette consisting of 256 levels of the color of the standard P2 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P3

A generic two-color palette consisting only of black and the color of the standard P3 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P3 2-Bit

A generic 2-bit palette consisting of 4 levels of the color of the standard P3 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P3 4-Bit

A generic 4-bit palette consisting of 16 levels of the color of the standard P3 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P3 6-Bit

A generic 6-bit palette consisting of 64 levels of the color of the standard P3 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

Monochrome P3 8-Bit

A generic 8-bit palette consisting of 256 levels of the color of the standard P3 phosphor used in monochrome CRT displays.

NES (Nesdev 2C02)

The built-in color palette of the 2C02 PPU used in the Famicom, the NES, and the Sharp Nintendo TV, as given on the Nesdev wiki.

NES (Nesdev 2C03)

The built-in color palette of the 2C03 PPU used in Vs. Duck Hunt, Vs. Tennis, all PlayChoice games, the Famicom Titler, and the Famicom TV, as given on the Nesdev wiki.

NES (Nesdev 2C04)

The built-in color palette of the 2C04 series of PPU as given on the Nesdev wiki, rearranged to correspond to the palettes of the 2C02 and 2C03.

NES (Nesdev RP2C04-0001)

The built-in color palette of the RP2C04-0001 PPU used in Baseball, Freedom Force, Gradius, Hogan’s Alley, Mach Rider, Pinball, and Platoon, as given on the Nesdev wiki.

NES (Nesdev RP2C04-0002)

The built-in color palette of the RP2C04-0002 PPU used in Castlevania, Mach Rider Endurance Course, Raid on Bungling Bay, Slalom, Soccer, Stroke & Match Golf, and Wrecking Crew, as given on the Nesdev wiki.

NES (Nesdev RP2C04-0003)

The built-in color palette of the RP2C04-0003 PPU used in Balloon Fight, Dr. Mario, the US version of Excitebike, Goonies, and Soccer, as given on the Nesdev wiki.

NES (Nesdev RP2C04-0004)

The built-in color palette of the RP2C04-0004 PPU used in Clu Clu Land, the Japanese version of Excitebike, Ice Climber, and Super Mario Bros, as given on the Nesdev wiki.

NES (Tersigni)

The built-in color palette of the PPU used in the Famicom and the NES according to Dean Tersigni.

NES (Wikipedia)

The built-in color palette of the PPU used in the Famicom and the NES according to Wikipedia.

NTSC (Currier RGB No Setup)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors.

NTSC (Currier RGB With Setup)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors.

NTSC (Currier Rec 601 No Setup)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors.

NTSC (Currier Rec 601 With Setup)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors.

NTSC (DVHandbook)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors.

NTSC (GreatDV)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors.

NTSC (KreativeKorp)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors as presented by this web page.

NTSC (MediaCollege)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors.

NTSC (MicroImage)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors.

NTSC (Munafo)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors as calculated by Robert Munafo in a post made to the comp.sys.apple2 newsgroup in October 2000.


The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors, adjusted to the extremes of the sRGB color space.

NTSC (VideoUniversity)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors.

NTSC (Wikipedia)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors as listed on Wikipedia.

NTSC (Wilt)

The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard color test pattern for analog standard-definition television monitors.


The colors guaranteed to be displayed consistently across different browsers and operating systems during the early days of the world wide web. This was part of the color palette of the Netscape Navigator web browser and became known as the web-safe color palette.

New Horizons #1

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #2

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #3

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #4

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #5

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #6

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #7

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #8

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #9

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #10

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #11

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #12

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #13

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Horizons #14

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.

New Leaf (4096)

The color picker used in the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2012 for the Nintendo 3DS.

New Leaf (Thulinma 2013)

The color picker used in the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2012 for the Nintendo 3DS.

New Leaf (Thulinma 2020)

The color picker used in the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2012 for the Nintendo 3DS.


The default color palette used throughout older versions of Microsoft Office.

Office 2008

The default color palette used in Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Advantage

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Apex

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Aspect

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Breeze

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Capital

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Civic

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Codex

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Concourse

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Equity

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Exhibit

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Expo

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Flow

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Focus

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Folio

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Forte

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Foundry

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Genesis

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Habitat

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Infusion

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Inkwell

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Inspiration

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Median

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Metal

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Metro

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Module

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Opulent

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Orbit

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Oriel

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Origin

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Paper

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Perspective

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Pixel

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Plaza

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Precedent

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Revolution

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Saddle

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Sky

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Solstice

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Spectrum

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Story

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Studio

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Technic

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Tradition

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Travelogue

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Trek

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Twilight

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Urban

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Venture

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office 2008 Verve

One of the preset color palettes included with Microsoft Office 2008.

Office Extended

The hexagonal color picker present in some versions of Microsoft Office.

Office Highlighter

The set of colors available for highlighting text in older versions of Microsoft Office.

Open Color

A color palette created by Jeong Heeyeun and released under the MIT license.


The default 16-color palette of the PICO-8, a virtual machine created by Lexaloffle Games, a Japanese video game company founded by Joseph White.

Palm 4-Bit

The default 4-bit color palette of the Palm OS operating system.

Palm 8-Bit

The default 8-bit color palette of the Palm OS operating system.

Palm Reorganized

The default 8-bit color palette of the Palm OS operating system, rearranged into logical groups.


The color palette used in color-capable models of the Pebble smartwatch. Also one of the color palettes available for choosing a color in the Clay framework for configuring Pebble apps.

Pebble Sunny

One of the color palettes available for choosing a color in the Clay framework for configuring apps for the Pebble smartwatch.


The default set of color swatches available in Adobe Photoshop.


The color palette from PodPaint, an image editor for iPodLinux, a port of µcLinux to early generations of the iPod.


A 16-color palette designed by Arne Niklas Jansson inspired by the game Ork.


The original set of eight colors supported by QuickDraw, the graphics toolkit of the classic Macintosh operating system, before the use of full RGB color became possible.

RGB 6-7-6

A generic 8-bit palette consisting of 6 levels of red, 7 levels of green, and 6 levels of blue.

RGB 6-8-5

A generic 8-bit palette consisting of 6 levels of red, 8 levels of green, and 5 levels of blue.

RGB 8-8-4

A generic 8-bit palette consisting of 8 levels of red, 8 levels of green, and 4 levels of blue.


A color palette based on the Rayalaka color system, in which the primaries and secondaries of both traditional and modern color theory (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet, and magenta) are given equal weight.


The default color picker used in Resplendence, an editor for Mac OS Classic, Palm OS, and Windows resource files. It was inspired by the Iconographer palette and incorporates all the default color palettes of the classic Macintosh operating system.

R Alphabet

One of the preset color palettes included with R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

R Alphabet2

One of the preset color palettes included with R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

R Cols25

One of the preset color palettes included with R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

R Glasbey

One of the preset color palettes included with R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

R Kelly

One of the preset color palettes included with R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

R Polychrome

One of the preset color palettes included with R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

R Stepped

One of the preset color palettes included with R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

R Tol

One of the preset color palettes included with R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

R Watlington

One of the preset color palettes included with R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

SAM Coupé

The built-in color palette of the SAM Coupé, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Miles Gordon Technology (MGT) in 1989. Depending on video mode, up to 16 colors from the full 128-color palette could be displayed at any one time.

SFSU TOS Spring 2011

A color palette created by Rebecca Bettencourt for her Advanced Operating Systems class at San Francisco State University during Spring 2011.

Sabine 4-Bit

The set of colors supported by version 1 of the Sabine Icon format, a text-based format for icons created for an experimental desktop environment called Sabine OS.

Sabine ASCII

The set of colors supported by version 2 of the Sabine Icon format, a text-based format for icons, arranged in ASCII order.

Sabine Reorganized

The set of colors supported by version 2 of the Sabine Icon format, a text-based format for icons, arranged in a more logical order.

Sepia 2-Bit (Black First)

A generic 2-bit palette consisting of 4 levels of sepia tones.

Sepia 2-Bit (White First)

A generic 2-bit palette consisting of 4 levels of sepia tones.

Sepia 4-Bit (Black First)

A generic 4-bit palette consisting of 16 levels of sepia tones.

Sepia 4-Bit (White First)

A generic 4-bit palette consisting of 16 levels of sepia tones.

Sepia 6-Bit (Black First)

A generic 6-bit palette consisting of 64 levels of sepia tones.

Sepia 6-Bit (White First)

A generic 6-bit palette consisting of 64 levels of sepia tones.

Sepia 8-Bit (Black First)

A generic 8-bit palette consisting of 256 levels of sepia tones.

Sepia 8-Bit (White First)

A generic 8-bit palette consisting of 256 levels of sepia tones.

ShareDraw 16 Colors

The 16-color palette used by ShareDraw, a shareware drawing application by Michael Everest and Pierce Software for Mac OS Classic.

ShareDraw 256 Colors

The 256-color palette used by ShareDraw, a shareware drawing application by Michael Everest and Pierce Software for Mac OS Classic.


A 16-color palette designed by Ethan Schoonover for use with terminal and GUI applications.


A generic color picker with the hue and lightness channels of the HSL color model along the longer and shorter axes of the picker, respectively. This is also the default image palette included with Mac OS X.

SuperFuture 25

A 25-color palette designed by ENDESGA, developer of the indie video game NYKRA.


The permutation of the Macintosh 8-bit color palette used as the default color palette in SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Blue Ice

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Bright Rainbow

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Cocoa

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Complementary Colors

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Cosmetics

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Ochres

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Pastel Chalk

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Pastel Paint

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint RGB

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Sand

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Spectrum

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Spectrum Blues

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Spectrum Light

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.

SuperPaint Summer Colors

One of the preset color palettes included with SuperPaint, a painting and drawing application originally created by Silicon Beach Software and later acquired by Aldus Corporation.


The set of colors chosen by the Tango Desktop Project, an open-source initiative to create a set of design guidelines for applications on desktop environments.


The default color palette used in Enhanced Teletext, a system for broadcasting data over television, as specified in European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) 300 706.


The built-in color palette of the Thomson TO7 and Thomson MO5, 8-bit microcomputers released in France by Thomson SA in 1982 and 1984, respectively.


The color picker used in Tinkercad, a free 3D modeling program that runs in a web browser.


A list of 20 colors, plus black and white, chosen by Sasha Trubetskoy as part of his Roman Roads project, a series of maps representing Ancient Rome’s road network in the style of modern transit maps.

VGA (Genuine)

The default color palette of the IBM Video Graphics Adapter.

VGA (Imitation)

The color palette of the IBM Video Graphics Adapter, but mapping color 6 to the dark yellow color of cheap imitation CGA cards instead of the brown color of genuine CGA cards. In addition, the value levels of colors 32 and above decrease linearly, as opposed to the value levels in the genuine default color palette.

VGA (Web-Safe)

The color palette of the IBM Video Graphics Adapter, but mapping colors 32 and above to a palette of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, also known as the web-safe palette. The web-safe palette originates from the early days of the world wide web when those were the only colors guaranteed to be displayed consistently across different browsers and operating systems.

VGA (Windows)

The color palette of the IBM Video Graphics Adapter, but with the first 16 colors in the order used by Microsoft Windows.


The 16 colors of generic flags available in Kreative Vexillo, a project to generate images of national, regional, and other flags in various sizes and aspect ratios. Inspired by the default Macintosh 4-bit color palette and the tinctures of heraldry.

VisiBone #1

The 216-color web-safe color palette arranged in a manner similar to that of the color charts published by VisiBone, an online resource for web development created by Bob Stein.

VisiBone #2

The 216-color web-safe color palette arranged in a manner similar to that of the color charts published by VisiBone, an online resource for web development created by Bob Stein.

VisiBone Hexagonal #1

The 216-color web-safe color palette arranged in a manner similar to that of the color charts published by VisiBone, an online resource for web development created by Bob Stein.

VisiBone Hexagonal #2

The 216-color web-safe color palette arranged in a manner similar to that of the color charts published by VisiBone, an online resource for web development created by Bob Stein.


The color picker available on the infamous web development reference site W3Schools (not to be confused with W3C or the World Wide Web Consortium).


A 16-color palette designed by John A. Watlington aka Wad.

Web Really-Safe Colors

The set of 22 web-safe colors determined to be “really-safe” by David Lehn and Hadley Stern of the Webmonkey web site in September 2000. These 22 colors were the only ones to render consistently in their tests comparing web-safe colors both in images and on HTML pages across different browsers and platforms at different color depths.

Wild World 1/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 2/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 3/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 4/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 5/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 6/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 7/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 8/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 9/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 10/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 11/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 12/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 13/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 14/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 15/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Wild World 16/16

One of the preset color palettes included with the pattern designer in Animal Crossing: Wild World, a life simulation game released by Nintendo in 2005 for the Nintendo DS.

Windows 4-Bit

The default 16-color palette of the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Windows 8-Bit (Eis)

The default 256-color palette of the Microsoft Windows operating system according to Mathew Eis. (In truth, there is no default 256-color palette for Microsoft Windows, only a set of 20 reserved colors with other colors allocated to applications.)

Windows 8-Bit (GraphicConverter, Newer)

The default 256-color palette of the Microsoft Windows operating system according to newer versions of GraphicConverter, an image editing program by Lemke Software GmbH. (In truth, there is no default 256-color palette for Microsoft Windows, only a set of 20 reserved colors with other colors allocated to applications.)

Windows 8-Bit (GraphicConverter, Older)

The default 256-color palette of the Microsoft Windows operating system according to older versions of GraphicConverter, an image editing program by Lemke Software GmbH. (In truth, there is no default 256-color palette for Microsoft Windows, only a set of 20 reserved colors with other colors allocated to applications.)

Windows 8-Bit (MS Paint)

The default 256-color palette present in BMP files generated by Microsoft Paint.

Windows 8-Bit (Photoshop)

The default 256-color palette of the Microsoft Windows operating system according to Adobe Photoshop. (In truth, there is no default 256-color palette for Microsoft Windows, only a set of 20 reserved colors with other colors allocated to applications.)

Windows 8-Bit (Web-Safe)

A 256-color palette for Microsoft Windows with the 236 non-reserved colors allocated to a palette of 6 levels each of red, green, and blue, also known as the web-safe palette.

Windows XP Icon Colors

The set of colors used by Microsoft when designing icons for Windows XP.

X11 Complete

The complete list of colors found in the rgb.txt file traditionally shipped with every installation of X11, the X Window System. Recent builds of X11 compile this list directly into the window server.

X11 Normalized

The list of colors found in the rgb.txt file traditionally shipped with every installation of X11, but with some colors deduplicated by normalizing color names (for example, Gray remains but Grey is removed).

X11 Simple

The list of colors found in the rgb.txt file traditionally shipped with every installation of X11, but with derivative colors removed (for example, Snow remains but Snow 1, Snow 2, Snow 3, and Snow 4 are removed).


The top 16 results of the color survey conducted by Randall Munroe, author of the webcomic xkcd, in 2010. Around 140,000 people named over 5,000,000 random RGB colors over a period of two months.


The top 64 results of the color survey conducted by Randall Munroe, author of the webcomic xkcd, in 2010. Around 140,000 people named over 5,000,000 random RGB colors over a period of two months.

XKCD 256

The top 256 results of the color survey conducted by Randall Munroe, author of the webcomic xkcd, in 2010. Around 140,000 people named over 5,000,000 random RGB colors over a period of two months.

XKCD 1000

All 949 results of the color survey conducted by Randall Munroe, author of the webcomic xkcd, in 2010. Around 140,000 people named over 5,000,000 random RGB colors over a period of two months. The color palette is filled out with 11 shades of gray; despite being called XKCD 1000, this palette only has 960 colors.

ZX Spectrum

The built-in color palette of the ZX Spectrum, an 8-bit microcomputer released by Sinclair Research in 1982. Each block of 8x8 pixels could use only two colors out of either the dark half or bright half of the palette.